Why President Trump Won't Find It Easy To Drain The Swamp!

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Babs Hunt, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    How nice it would be if President Trump could really drain the Swamp in our Government...but as this commentary explains...it isn't as easy as Trump just telling everyone: "You're Fired!"


    ....a law dating back to the 19th century makes it almost impossible for the president to fire government bureaucrats — even the most egregiously bad ones. The Pendleton Civil Service Act, initially passed to end the “spoils system” of federal government hiring based on political affiliation, never really accomplished its goal of making the bureaucracy merit-based and nonpartisan. Worse, it has expanded dramatically in scope since its inception in 1883.

    Today, around 90 percent of the nearly three million federal employees are virtually guaranteed jobs for life and are almost impossible to fire — even, in some cases, when they have committed criminal acts.

    - See more at: https://www.conservativereview.com/...the-swamp-more-than-ever#sthash.y5rZsMjH.dpuf
    Denise Evans likes this.
  2. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    That's exactly why I posted my feeling in an earlier thread
    I'm sure he thought it would be a lot easier than it is
    But, he can't run the White House as he did his business dealings
  3. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I don't think he ran for President because he thought it was going to be easy @Patsy Faye. I think Trump really loves America and hates what the "elite" have done to it. And I wouldn't believe everything you hear about his business dealings either.
    Denise Evans likes this.
  4. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I think I've made it clear that I support the people of America in their choice. I see why they made that choice too.
    I've seen some documentaries on Mr Trump regarding his business dealings, I only take note of the 'spoken' word by the person
    themselves, not anything written, in fact I don't read newspapers.:)
  5. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Good morning @Patsy Faye. :) I'm not even positive that I support President Trump more than on a daily basis and this is because our Government and it's elected Officials have pretty much lost my trust completely. I want to believe that someone actually wants to do the right thing for America and us Americans and I'm willing to take one day at a time seeing if Trump will actually do what he says he would do. So far he has a pretty good record going for keeping the promises he has made to us Americans...in spite of the fact that so many hate him and are trying their best to mess up everything he does and get rid of him. Yet he is just a baby starting this journey of the Presidency and unless and until he can "drain the swamp" of the majority of those still trying to put the One World Agenda into place and get some people in place who want what is best for America and us too like he does, then it will be just more of the same old, same old. I want to see him succeed, I pray for him to succeed....and I hope he will at least be able to knock out enough of that swamp water to allow some fresh water to flow into our Government. But there are miles to go before we know if this turns out to be something that did or did not happen.
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  6. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Hi Babs :)
    Its a sensible approach you have there and probably a good deal of Americans too
    We've been through so much that its the only way to be now really - cautious but hopeful
    Bless you and all Americans for a fruitful outcome at last :)

    @Babs Hunt
    Babs Hunt likes this.
  7. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Sorry to say but Trump has been neutered he been spoken to and told what he is allowed to do.
    1 immigration can be stopped dead the people who are coming in none vetted are bringing in communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy and many others. The CDC gives him the right to stop anyone coming into the country, but he is not doing it.
    2 The human cry before the election was lock her up after nothing said.
    3 He was against the global warming scam, but now backing geo engineering
  8. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Well I do think to a certain degree our new President is learning that it isn't as easy to change some things as he thought it would be...but while you may see him @Martin Alonzo as being "neutered" ...I see him as taking his time in figuring out what Plan B, C, or even D will consist of in getting what he wants.

    Not everything is going to be an important issue to President Trump, but the things that are important I don't see him backing down on even if it looks like he may be doing this at the moment. Right now Trump is learning the "game" and although he may let others think they have won in some things...I believe he will be back for round two or more for those things that he is adament about.

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