The Tiny House Movement

Discussion in 'Home Improvement' started by Ina I. Wonder, May 27, 2016.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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  2. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    @Yvonne Smith , Now that was the best tiny home I've seen, especially for the price. BUT, they don't sell them here. NOT FAIR!!!!
    Yvonne Smith and Ken Anderson like this.
  3. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Glad to hear that your grandson is staying, Ina. Mine aren't old enough yet. Also, even though I love Michael who is 17 now, he is a pig. It's hard enough when I visit to see his sloppiness. Why he can't close a drawer all the way, I'll never understand. He's clean and neat about his appearance but everything else he doesn't care, no matter how many times he's told or grounded.

    A tiny house is the only way I would move in with my daughter. My SIL has a putting green way in the back of the property, he could have that removed and put a tiny house there for me. Ha way would he do that.
  4. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Bobert, (nicknamed by me), is twenty five years old, and has only worked for Jack-in-Box a couple of times, and for only a couple of months each time. He's a good hearted kid, (not a man yet), but he has no ambition. His parents have provided for all his needs, although they are on the brink of poverty themselves.

    His mother is very controlling, and plays the, "I need you to stay and care for me." guilt trip on him. Bobert is a very mild mannered person, (like his grandfather was), so he tried to do that to the best of his ability. But in the last couple of years, he has started to refuse to leave his room where he spends all his time playing on his Xbox all night, and sleeps all day.

    Now his parents see what that has done to his future, so they sent him to me, hoping I can change what they taught him. What's weird is he does work around here, and without me having to ask. He does everything I can't, and if I make an odd noise, he's there in a second to make sure I'm ok.

    I find him more than willing to learn. I taught him how to reprime and start my water well yesterday when it stopped working.

    He has picked me up several times when I have passed out in the last couple of months, and I wouldn't be able to stay in my home without him right now.

    I'm trying to get him to see a future for himself, and his parents will have to except that they need to let him go. I'm still not sure what his parents expected me to do, but I don't think they want me to put independence in his head. But that is the only thing I feel will help him.
  5. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Seems like he's on the right track now, Ina. Watch what his talents are or what he enjoys and maybe he can take some classes. Nobody lives forever and he will need to become independent one day and the sooner he has a skill and knows how to be self sufficient the better it will be for him. This living arrangement seems to benefit both of you...hope it continues.
    Diane Lane and Yvonne Smith like this.
  6. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    @Chrissy Page , I know your right, and I've offered to send him for any kind of training program he wishes to try. He's talking about training to use a forklift. That's a beginning.

    We've put seven grandchildren through college, all but Bobert and his sister Clarissa. My step-daughter raised both kids in Arizona, so Michael and I didn't get to help them as we did the others. Since I am only 12 years older than my step-daughter, she didn't feel I knew any better than she did.

    Clarissa just had her third child, and sees nothing wrong with her, her husband, and children living on welfare for the rest of time.
  7. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    That's too bad, Ina...hopefully you can do something for Bobert. Is that a combination of Robert and Bob?
  8. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Yes, his name is Robert, and his father's is Bobby. Bobert was 17 when he came to Texas, and he was and still is so introverted that the nickname was my first way into his seclusion. I'm the only one he lets call him that.

    At 18 I had never heard him speak. He was always listening to his iPod when he visited with his family.. So one day when his mother went somewhere with her father, and we were left on our on at my home, I took the opportunity to ask him if he was retarded or just slow. I told him if he was that it was ok with me, but if he had the brain I expected he had, he was going to catch *(#-+=@ from me. He looked and said nothing to me, but the next time he came over with his mother, he asked if he could send some time with me.

    I was right, Bobert has a very intelligent mind. He has OCD like I do, and I think he'll stay as long as he can. His mother, Patricia, is a hoarder and has seven dog and three cats that make breathing hard in her house. I haven't been able to go inside her house for five years. I just hope his wanting to live here doesn't cost me my relationship with Patricia.
  9. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Hopefully she can see that you are doing him good, deep down no matter what I think every mother wants what's best for their child even though it's really not what they want. Things aren't always simple or black and white and family dynamics always come into play. I think I know who you are talking about as I've seen her on FB...yes?
    Diane Lane and Ken Anderson like this.
  10. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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  11. Sandy Wood

    Sandy Wood Veteran Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I too like the idea of a tiny house on wheels, but one has to have land to set it on and a car or truck, heavy enough to pull it. However, if you have the place to set one it would be nice. You might want to look into getting a travel trailer instead, as in one you could drive around and a size that is easier for you to handle. I had thought about having a camp in the woods that was just a nice shed put up on gravel and railroad ties and having a bunk and stove, and counter with a sink. Of course I would need some sort of bathroom setup perhaps a composting one, but it would be just big enough for one or two who loved camping and nature. My brothers thought it was a dumb idea. lol
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  12. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I love that program, Tiny House Nation. And these young folks have the right idea. They don't want to be strapped with a big house, and have, "Things to do and places to see." I have a single wide trailer, with my own land, and lived in it 20 yrs. It's 2 bedroom 2 baths. I was looking at RV's 24' and one put out by Coachman Freelander 19' plus the loft over the cab, and a full size bed. Separate shower from wash stand and toilet. It's a Class C. Fell in love with it. Another style was the Chinook Class B that is like a converted van. The bath is a wet wash. Some don't like everything wet when taking a shower. Fridge so so, 2 burner unit, with microwave above it. sofa turn down bed. But this vehicle fits in a regular parking space. What I have now suits me. When my kids come to town they stay at a motel, and I have quality time with the grandchildren. They pile in the 2nd. bedroom. And like setting up cots, telling me they feel like their camping out. Know the feeling. felt that way since living here. It's one big camping trip.:)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
  13. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I can totally relate to what you are saying, @Marilyn Pahl . When I was in northern Idaho, I also had an old single-wide 2 bedroom trailer that was on 160 acres, which was part of the property that I had inherited from my parents. It was peaceful, private, and it was mine. The land was on part of the acreage that my folks had lived on when I was born, and it seemed fitting that I would now live there and spend the end of my life on the same property where I had lived as a young child. Everywhere that I walked on the property it felt like I had roots into the earth there.
    The first years were hard ones.
    I was in my late 50's and had no electricity or water for a while, and the area where the trailer house was, had been the landing area for logging operations; so it was nothing but thistles, weeds, and chunks of bark and old tree limbs, at first.
    But the life was worth it, and even though there were adversities, each day I would wake up knowing that it was my home, and I belonged there. Some times, I really miss that now.

    I tthink that it is wondeful that @Ina I. Wonder is going to be able to relocate to a place closer to her family, and away from the busy and unfrendly life of a large city like Houston. Her trailer will be a lot more comfortable and easier for her to maintain than her house is, and I am so happy for her, that her dreams are starting to come true.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
  14. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    The trailer I have was manufactured in 1973, and sits on a 60' W X 139' D lot. Our street is dead end. We live in the South-Eastern end of Naples, Fl. There are only 2 streets with trailers on private land at this end. And inevitable were going to be bought out. Hope for not a long time. Property tax is cheap, 250.00 a year. Really the only thing being taxed is the land itself. Million dollar homes in big gated communities are being built all around us. And we live in a flood zone. It's made it rough on the wild life. They lost their homes, and the homeless or (woodsmen) had to leave. They were never a problem. We have a wooded area behind us and have had black bears in the driveway, Seen wild boar hear coyotes, but only live 2 miles from Route 41 and Walmarts, Publix, on the main highway.:)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
  15. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I wish you only the best Ina, with sprinkles of blessings. It's rough coaching and loving our children, and grandchildren. My youngest son Pip, went to vocational school, and has done very well in computer electronics. College isn't for everyone, but told him you don't have to be a certain age to go to college. Me and your dad went, complements of the company we worked for.There were courses we had to know. People go for different reasons. The kids in the classes loved my husband, and called him "Pops" that was the University of Toledo.:D
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.

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