Another Take on the Kennedy Assassination

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Yvonne Smith, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    In November, 1963; President Kennedy was assassinated right in front of the whole world, at least the parts of the world that had television.
    Ever since then, people have speculated about who killed Kennedy, and why he was targeted.
    Some people accept the authorized story of the lone shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald, and others believe that there were 1-2 expert snipers hiding somewhere around the "grassy knoll", and they actually shot him.
    One of the latest ones that I read was that Jackie Kennedy was under government mind-control , and she is the one who shot him.
    As far as the why, there are all sorts of theories about that part, too.

    One of my favorite programs is John B. Wells program, Caravan to Midnight, and I was listening to that the other night.
    His guest speaker was Jay Weidner, who has been involved in movie production for years, and they were talking about whether the moon landing was a hoax.
    Inevitably, the topic of the Kennedy assassination came up, and Jay said that he thinks the whole shooting was a hoax !
    He showed clips from the Zapruder film, and explained what the techniques were back in those days for making it look like a person was being shot with a gun, and then showed how you can actually SEE Jackie breaking one of those fake blood things on the President.
    I don't know if he is right or not; but it is sure one of the most interesting theories that I have heard, and it does help to explain some of the inconsistencies of the original story.

    Now, I am wondering if maybe Elvis is still alive, too.......
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I hadn't heard that one, but I am pretty sure that the official story isn't the truth. At this point, we'll probably never know.

    I don't get his show on any of the stations we have, although I'm sure I could find him online. He is a frequent guest host on Coast to Coast, however, so I am familiar with him, and always enjoy it when he is on.

    Actually, come to think of it, I think he used to be a regular guest host on Coast to Coast, but there was some sort of dispute between he and George Noory, or something. Maybe I'm confusing him with someone else.
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Ken, John B used to be one of the hosts on Coast; but it they apparently didn't like that he was interviewing "real people" and not just the weirdos who talked with Shadow People, and stuff like that.
    Anyway, they let him go, and he now has his own program online at . You can listen to some of his shows on Youtube; but it is only $5 a month to subscribe, and then you can also watch the video.
    Sometimes, it is just conversation, so not a lot to see; but other times they have guests on that are talking about something and John is showing pictures from the guest's website, so you can follow along with the information.
    The one I was listening to tonite was about the pyramids in Bosnia, Ecuador, and also in Australia; so we were looking at pictures of the pyramids, Egyptian hieroglyphics at the ones in Australia, and interesting things like that.
    With the subscription, you can listen anytime you want to, and start and stop if something interrupts you, or even listen to it over again if there is an important part that you want to see.
    I seldom watch television; but I really enjoy watching these kinds of programs.
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  4. Richard Lee

    Richard Lee Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Ask any hypnotist or doctor and they will tell you that through manipulation (drugs or NLP/Hypnotherapy) we can be made to perform some interesting things, but we cannot be made to do things that go against our in-built mentality (call it what you will). Besides, think about it: You have this ability to control a person that you could use to assassinate - would you chose the wife to do it? Surely one of his guards or a servant would be easier and a perfect patsy afterwards. Also, why did we go to war and spend some much time and money hunting Saddam Hussein, Castro, Bin Laden, Ayatollah Khomeini, etc when we could just program their confidants to do it for us?

    We know that American politics and secrets leak like a sieve - we have seen several extreme examples of this in the last few years, but it is nothing new (just easier to distribute these days). The chances of something so important, famous and profitable to release, as JFK's death staying a secret even now is frankly zero.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It seemed to me that Jackie would not be a good candidate for killing her husband; but i do think that the government uses the MK-Ultra mind control on people, and that some of the unexplained times when someone just seems to go "off the deep end" and start shooting people, that there is actually some sort of mind control going on.
    If they don't end up dead; several of the shooters have said that they were hearing voices in their mind that was telling them to shoot people. Even some that did end up dead had left messages to that effect.
    I think that the government does program people, and it is more than just hypnotizing them; more of brainwashing than just hypnotizing.
  6. Adam Fields

    Adam Fields Veteran Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Personally I think it may be a bit of a stretch that the entire thing was hoaxed. I definitely do believe that there is a conspiracy at work on this subject though. But like most other conspiracies we will probably never know the entire truth.
  7. Juan Ortega

    Juan Ortega Veteran Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    This is also somewhat believable with the rising advancements in hypnosis, if not mechanical then biological. Either way its arbitrary uses revered as incomprehensible. Such conspiracies although outlandish to the norm of belief, there is evidence to support the accusations. To merely dismiss the probability or accept the claims without research is ignorant. Just knowing that the populace are being lied to in one way or another, to conform and obey is a reason to ponder conspiracies.
  8. John Stone

    John Stone Veteran Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    That's certainly a different theory for the JFK assassination. I tend to think the truth lies somewhere between the official gov't explanation and the fringe explanations. All faked for film? Probably not. Lone gunman? Probably not.
  9. Richard Lee

    Richard Lee Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Yes, my feelings too. Indeed, I think conspiracy theorists are their own worst enemy. When inconsistencies are found, they are exaggerated, new ones "created" and more and more outlandish conjecture is thrown in to the mix. This just makes fewer people believe and easier to pick holes in the theory because of those made-up add-ins.

    Kennedy was popular and collecting enemies all over the shop: Mafia, war mongers, big companies, white supremacists, political rivals, security services. There is certainly likely to be more to the story than one crazed home-grown commie, but now there is too much confusion to ever get a viably provable answer either way.
  10. John Stone

    John Stone Veteran Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    It seems reasonable that some rogue elements in the government may very well have allowed it to happen. In the ancient empires, to get rid of a ruler the people under him simply pulled his protection. I think this happened with one of the Caesars and the Praetorian Guard. Since the ruler always has enemies, pulling the guard will allow what was always there to occur.
  11. Hannah Davis

    Hannah Davis Veteran Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Well, I don't believe Jackie killed him for the main fact that she was in the car being surveyed by the secret service. Had she done this odds are someone would of seen her do it, so that theory can be ruled out. But at the same token I have never believed that Oswald acted alone, no matter what anyone may say to the contrary. The main reason being if he did act alone, why did he do it? What was his motive for doing so, second the man was murdered himself before he was able to stand trial, as if someone wanted to make certain that he never got a chance to talk and to maybe spill the beans about who was behind this. For that reason I don't feel he acted alone, and that whoever was behind this got away with the murder.
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  12. Sheldon Scott

    Sheldon Scott Supreme Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    I agree Hannah. There should have been an in depth investigation into Jack Ruby and who might have been behind having him kill Oswald.
  13. Richard Paradon

    Richard Paradon Supreme Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Without anything except a "gut feeling" I have always believed that Lyndon Johnson was somehow behind Kennedy's assassination.
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  14. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    If you ever get the chance to go there take the 6th floor museum tour. it will answer a lot of questions. sure did for me .Dealey Plaza is a time capsule. its the same today as it was that day.

    the plaza cam:
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  15. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have read a lot of different theories over the years, and everyone seems to have their own reason for thinking it was done by whomever they believe did it. It seems like there were just a lot of people and organizations that would profit from John Kennedy being dead.
    Many of the thories include Lyndon Johnson as a participant, and I do think that he very likely was involved in some way.
    Since Marilyn Monroe was known to be involved with the Kennedys; the stories about her being taken out are a distinct possibility, too, and the official story leaves a lot of specualtion.
    I was just reading about a CIA agent, who is dying, and he claimed that he was in charge of killing Marilyn.

    Gary, after going to Dealey Plaza and actually seeing the sixth floor museum; what do you now think might have happened ? I would love to read your observations on this topic !
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
    Richard Paradon likes this.

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