Is There A Conspiracy To Take God And Biblical Principals Out Of America?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Babs Hunt, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This country was based on freedom of religion, and the colleges and many of the schools that we have in this country were founded by Christians; so for the last 200+ years, this country has been mostly governed by religious people, many of them from the fundamentalist churches. Therefore, there is no such thing as an "invasion" of Fundamentalist Christians, as you are suggesting, @Ren Tanner .
    When you state that Christians are "blocking out common sense and logic", are you construing that to mean that non-Christians are the only ones who are using common sense and logic, and what reasoning are you basing that statement on ?
    Denise Evans and Diane Lane like this.
  2. Chris Ladewig

    Chris Ladewig Veteran Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    The blocking of common sense I'm refering to has nothing to do with fundamantal Christains.
    Diane Lane and Yvonne Smith like this.
  3. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    No---Non Christians are not the only ones using common sense and logic, quite the contrary. Fundamentalists of all persuasion seem to lack the ability to think outside the box when it comes to logic and common sense. Unfortunately, their Fundamentalist beliefs create in them a certain bias and judgement where they feel they are the only honest, moral, kind, lawful, generous, considerate,fair etc.,etc.
    It's a extreme example but look at ISIS.
    Marilyn Pahl likes this.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I know that you believe this, but what you don't appreciate is that other reasonable people believe differently and the fact that you believe something doesn't make it so, and is nothing more than a statement of your beliefs and disbeliefs. As examples of atheists who have killed in the name of their religion, I could point to Stalin and other communist regimes that have been directly responsible for the deaths of millions. Atheism is as much of a religion as any other, and if you are unable to see the bias and judgement in your own words, then I have simply proven my point. A non-religious atheist, if there is such a creature, wouldn't care whether or not others believe in God, but the religious atheist feels compelled to convert, insult, shut up or isolate anyone who believes differently than they do.

    On-topic with this thread, yes I do believe there is a conspiracy to isolate Christians from public discourse and to fundamentally transform the moral fiber of this country into something that would be the antithesis of Christian values.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Ah yes, yet another person who wishes to lump everyone and their beliefs which he does not prefer into a single category of demeaning dementia.
    Is not placing those same people you do not like into a special "box" a bit like ostracizing yourself into yet another?
    Is it your contention that you and only those like you are capable of seeing those things outside of a particular realm of human morality based on trial and error?

    My dear octogenarian, I do humbly submit to you that it is you who is having difficulty seeing further than the microcosm you might call your life. You look at the macro whereas I and others like me look at the quantum. You see the sky and see stars and are amazed by them. I see tau neutrinos jetting around at beyond light speed and know that it is only the beginning.
    You stop with having a full life so you can criticize habitually that which you have no understanding but I and others look to understand all things and only criticize when we become weak.
    You see limits. We see no limits but two, and as a matter of fact, wonder and yearn to know more about an eternity of time and space and He which started it all from whatever kind of beginning.

    The two limits which I mentioned above actually have no limits by themselves and can grow and expand as much as we can possibly render the two more power. Love our God with all of our hearts, strength, and spirit and secondly, love our neighbor as ourselves.

    The sad part is, you are a part of the very conspiracy mentioned in the topic, (to which you deny)and can not see it for you stand very much alone,...........inside of a box.
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
    Chris Ladewig and Ken Anderson like this.
  6. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    I have never thought of Atheism as being a religion. at least not for me. I don't seek to convert anyone to my non belief in supreme beings of any kind. I respect every one's right to believe what they wish as long as their beliefs do not impinge on my rights.
    BTW Stalin DID NOT KILL thousands in the name of his religion. It was politics and not religion, same with the other despots .You might be surprised to know that Secular Humanists, Free Thinkers and non believers of all stripes can have moral and human right values that may parallel,but are not based on a recognized religion.
  7. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Thank you Bobby for your self righteous response and I hope you feel better now. PEACE
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    My goodness no, Mr. @Ren Tanner, it does not indeed make me feel better for I now have to correct your analysis of my present demeanor.
    If by thinking outside of the box means that one can instantly come to a conclusion regarding another's condition and be correct in doing so then something is terribly wrong. In my case, and most others that I communicate and study with, know that righteousness is an impossible goal but a necessary race for human endeavor, thought, and deeds nonetheless. It would be perfectly presumptuous and illogical to believe that there is any human on earth who could be labeled righteous. We Christians acknowledge that there was only one perfect person in the history of this world and it is our duty to try to be like that very image but failing miserably I'm afraid.

    If you understood my previous statements you will see that I only proposed that you have limited yourself to a fragment of what could be a limitless life which is NOT thinking outside of any box and pretty stuffed shirt to boot.
    By limitless, I do mean life on this earth for we do not know exactly what is waiting for us on the other side of a human death experience.
    It was only recently that a way to prove consciousness has been developed and I am piggy backing on that in order to diagram and understand the thought processes that motivate brain waves. No limitations, no box.
    There are millions of more just like me who are in a constant state of wonder about a universe with which we have absolutely no fathoming of what makes it work, except only one explanation. No limitations, no box.
    To reason that "it just does and is" is irresponsible and does not meet with the demands that a higher thinking and reasoning individual would stop and listen to for that would be placing a limitation on thought itself. No limitations, no box.

    In a previous post you claimed (to paraphrase a bit) that a person does not have to be a believer in a much higher authority to be kind, considerate, good, faithful, etc.
    Now logically and psychologically we find that the human condition does not come with those attributes at birth but must learn them but how did those who teach get their knowledge of good versus bad? Trial and error again?
    I would think not for in that case if thievery, adultery, and murder were touted as perfect examples of acceptable behavior a few thousand years ago, most certainly we would be doing those things at the present time but alas,
    we are not.
    Where did the knowledge of good versus evil come from? The ape? That is certainly not very logical.

    What I do think is a terrible disaster, is that there are so many people who are busy chopping down the trees in order to find that wonderful forest but coming up with barren land after all is finished. Perhaps, if they left the trees alone where they are, and the axman did not attempt to fell them then the trees might remain pristine and the axman would be content as well.
    As you well know, some trees are too large to uproot, and to prune them merely makes them grow much faster and better.

    I do humbly appologize for going so far off topic @Babs Hunt. It was not my immediate intention to do so but as you well know........stuff happens. God Bless..........Bobby
    Chris Ladewig likes this.
  9. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    Question: "What does it mean that the Jews are God’s chosen people?"Answer:God’s Word affirms that the Jews are God’s chosen people: “You are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession” (Deuteronomy 7:6). From eternity past God knew that He would need to be born into the human race in order to save us from the spiritually dead condition that we were in (Ephesians 1—2;Genesis 3). God had planned from the beginning to be born into a very small nation or race of people called the Jews. The Old Testament tells the story of how God set about creating, distinguishing, and preserving that race.

    The Jews don't accept Jesus as the Messiah. Do you think that this means they will spend eternity burning in hell?
  10. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    While everyone is welcome to express their opinion on this tread, it is pretty obvious that if you don't believe in God or His Biblical Truths....then you won't believe there is a conspiracy going on to remove Him and those Truths here in America. There are plenty of facts to prove this is going on and has been going on for a very long time, the only difference now is that it's pretty much out in the open now. And the conspiracy now includes all those who believe in God and His Biblical Truths too.
    Ken Anderson and Chris Ladewig like this.
  11. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I didn't read the whole thread, but I wanted to say something here @Babs Hunt . I believe that this was all put in motion in the "Garden" as well. People just look at me (or poopoo me) whenever I talk about it with non-believers. It's ok, and I believe not all will believe, the bible talks about that too. I never tell anyone "I know", or sure, try not to. I believe, and sometimes doubt my beliefs, but nothing makes more sense to me than the God of the bible. Thing is, and I've probably said this many times here, or elsewhere, that the "world" is fallen according to the bible. So yes, there are those that want to create their own gods, their own ideas, that suit them.

    My x husband, who had a lot to do with me coming the Christ, that "if you want to see a non-believer start to squirm in their chair, just mention Jesus Christ". I never forgot that. Why do people cringe whenever He, or the bible is mentioned. Lots of reasons, some very sad, abuse growing up with fanatical christians, we all know the horror stories of not knowing the true love of God. It's not about guilt or shame. Anyway, one reason I see, and I practiced, was "if" I believed in this God of the bible, I would lose all my freedom to live life the way I "thought" I wanted to. I figured if I just didn't believe, I could live the way I wanted to, immorally with no repercussion. After I came to know God, I've never been the same. I am convicted when I am doing something that I know my Father in heaven doesn't approve of. I know I am forgiven, but I am miserable, guilty, and ashamed. Not by Him, or anyone else, but by my own thinking. I have to remember what Jesus did for me, and for all time, I am forgiven.

    I've rambled on enough, I just want to say that yes, there are those that "think" they can take God out of the picture. They are wrong of course, but it doesn't stop them trying. They are under the rule of this fallen world. I pray more are saved than lost:( denise
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Excellent post, @Denise Happyfeet ! I agree with what you say, and I think that probably many people think that if they don't acknowledge that there is a God, then they can live any way they want. However, Since God inhabits our hearts, even when we say we don't believe in God, and we do something we know is wrong, our heart will tell us that it is.
    People have learned to shut out this little inner voice, but it is in there .
    Because Christians vocally object to the immoral ways that this country has fallen into, we are being hated in a way like never before.
    Who would have ever thought that we would come to a time when a person could just say they "feel" like a different gender than the one they were born as ? Sure, it has happened throughout history; but it has never been represented as the correct way to do things.
    Denise Evans likes this.
  13. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    With so many religions, denominations, and non-religions around today, there is a tendency for people to shop around looking for a god who will allow them to do as they please, or for a god who shares their values rather than acknowledging that God is who He is, and be willing to submit to God's values. Yes, I can understand looking for a denomination whose interpretation and understanding of the Scriptures are that which seems right to you, but it's important to differentiate between Bible interpretation and simply wanting to have it your way.

    God is who He is whether you believe in Him or not and, through the inspired word, He has said what He has said, whether or not you agree. The question to ask is, Are you looking for a clearer interpretation of the Scripture or are you in disagreement with God? If you are in disagreement with God, are you willing to change your position in favor of God's or are you waiting for God to change His mind?

    I am afraid that far too many in America today still want to consider themselves to be Christians, or hang onto whatever traditions they find convenient, but are unwilling to submit to the clear will of God, and there are plenty of "christian" churches will will go along with that.
  14. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I've always been glad I don't do everything I "feel" like doing, lol;)
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  15. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I think, like me, many have, or have had, a skewed perception of God. For example, I couldn't understand why God would allow the sacrifice of animals, innocent animals. Then a pastor, a darn good one, taught me that God was teaching people that blood had to be shed, the price for sin. I was also taught it was the most precious of a persons animals. They even had animals that were raised with the family, so the family would love the animal, like family. So when the people sinned, the innocent animal payed for their sin. Just to prepare for people to understand the sacrifice Jesus was to be, for the sin of all the world.

    That would sure make me think before I sin. And that is what happens when I remember what Jesus did for me. Just to prepare for people to understand the sacrifice Jesus was to be, for the sin of all the world.

    I don't always understand everything about God, I don't always agree either, but then, He is God, my Creator, not the other way around.
    Ken Anderson likes this.

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