Who Has More Faith? Believers Or Atheists?

Discussion in 'Faith & Religion' started by Lara Moss, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    This clever and interesting piece I posted below gives two opposing views depending on whether you read it up or down. I heard an atheist describe it as, "for atheists it's a declaration of freedom and for Christians it's a declaration of faith". But I see both views as a statement of faith because it takes faith to believe either way.

    Both beliefs, that "God does not exist" and that "God does exist" are not scientifically proven...it all boils down to faith on both sides. Believers see proof that a creator exists (God) all around them every day, simply by observing nature, experiencing life and a relationship with God.

    It seems to me that atheists need a whole lot of faith if they look around them and see no proof either way. I'm not talking about what scientists claim to be proof, which is still theory, but what is observed and experienced daily by the individual. Without personally seeing and experiencing proof, wouldn't that take a whole lot of faith?

    An Atheist's View on Life
    I will live my life according to these beliefs
    God does not exist
    It is just foolish to think
    That there is a God with a cosmic plan
    That an all-powerful God brings redemption and healing to the pain and suffering in the world
    Is a comforting thought, however
    Is only wishful thinking
    People can do as they please without eternal consequences
    The idea that
    I am deserving of Hell
    Because of sin
    Is a lie meant to make me a slave to those in power
    "The more you have, the happier you will be"
    Our existence has no grand meaning or purpose
    In a world with no God
    There is freedom to be who I want to be
    But with God
    Everything is fine
    It is ridiculous to think
    I am lost and in need of saving

    A Christian's View on Life
    (read this bottom to top)

  2. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Thanks for the palindrome, Lara, I will be reading up, on it!;)
  3. Tom Locke

    Tom Locke Veteran Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    As a long-time atheist, I am more than comfortable with my outlook. My ethos is built on humanist values and respect for other human beings, irrespective of their race, colour, gender, sexuality, beliefs or anything else. I have to say - and I'm not pointing any fingers, please note - that there seem to be a number of so-called Christians that do not share this tolerance.
    Terry Page and Sheldon Scott like this.
  4. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    There are many people who use the label Christian, or Atheist, to describe ourselves. Only God can see behind the label, at what is in our hearts! That's good news for all of us!
    Lara Moss likes this.
  5. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Wife and I are Christians, but I have found out that many who say they are Christians simply don't act that way. There are times when I'm sure we don't act like Christians, but we know in our hearts that we are.

    There are a number of people who attend church all the time and say they are Christians, but during the week, they may not act like they are at all.
    Joe Riley likes this.
  6. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I agree, there are "a number" of those who call themselves Christians but aren't, as well as "a number" of Atheists who lack humanist values...both lack respect and tolerance. Those values are based on the individual, not the group. A true practicing Christian who "walks the talk" is not prejudice of race, color, or gender. When a true Christian is face to face with someone of another belief they are very respectful if they are obeying God's words in the Bible. If a discussion arises over the difference of beliefs, a true Christian will share their faith but if the non-believer doesn't hear it then a true and obedient Christian will walk away from the discussion. That's what God tells believers to do. It's right in the Bible…"walk away". I know some atheists have "humanist values and respect for others" too, like you, Tom.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
    Tom Locke likes this.
  7. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    There is a saying, "There are no atheists in foxholes". I guess we'll see who the true atheists and Christians are when the crap hits the fan.
  8. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I was raised Catholic but Im not religious at all but I wont go as far as saying Im an atheist because Im not.

    I did raise my children catholic but they arent religious now either but give their children some religious instructions via classes ot church occasionally. Im sure my grandsons will decide what they want when they grow up.
    Terry Page likes this.
  9. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    It's hard when we raise our kids a certain way and then, when they're grown, they develop their own beliefs. I am always reminding myself that my children were never "mine". They are God's children and he loaned them to me to raise the best I could. My parenting days are now over unless they come to me and want my help.

    We have to let go and not let it mar our relationship if they have different views. I raised my 4 children myself and we all attended church every Sunday. They were all given the same firm foundation in Christianity. None of us attend church today but still have a close relationship with God….except one. She is more New Age although she claims to have no label. We couldn't disagree more on our faith. I chose to "let go and let God" as the saying goes because she's an adult. Our relationship is as close as ever right now. But I do pray often, in silence, and claim God's promise that He will one day lead his stray lamb back to the fold.
  10. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Im a firm believer in live and let live. I live a good moral life and Im happy to say my children do to....what they believe or dont believe doesnt bother me at all. I know that they are also very involved with their children and trying to lead them the right way and that is good enough for me.

    If they turn out religious...that is fine.

    If they dont...that is also fine, as long as they do the right thing.
    Holly Saunders and Terry Page like this.
  11. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    "People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their mess cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown." ~ Chuck Palahniuk

    Gulp. The sting is in the end (of that quote) for the unbeliever. Just being a listener and not talking about spiritual matters or not trying to fix that empty spot in others is what unbelievers want believers to do. But believers have a strong faith that, one day, we will meet our creator for eternity….it's not a "big unknown out there" for a believer. That once empty void inside is filled completely for a believer and a peace comes over them because the scary unknown is gone forever. It's a joyous perk for having faith.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
    Ike Willis likes this.
  12. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    @Lara Moss, that's a very good food for thought not only for the atheists but also to belivers as well. Honestly, I still have to meet an atheist and engage him in a serious talk. Not for anything else but I am amused how a person can believe that there is no God. So many debates have been held to prove the existence of God and the pro always turn out the victor over the anti. Another puzzling thing for me about an atheist is how do they pray? Since there is no God so that means atheists do not pray.

    So when it comes to faith, I'm sure the believers have more of it.
    Joe Riley, Ike Willis and Lara Moss like this.
  13. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Good post Corie, but by definition, "Faith" is believing in something you can't see. A believer in God finds it easy to have even a little faith because, although we can't see God, we "See" God's hand in all existence all around us every minute of every day. Constant reminders of his presence.

    But an atheist is "Blind" to all of the many signs from God surrounding "Existence". Their faith is that there is no God, nothing, no sign of a creator anywhere. Atheists have faith that everything, all form and order, just happened out of chaos for no rhyme nor reason, no origin...that takes an impossible amount of faith to believe in nothingness when we see ordered creation everywhere..

    If you have faith in God
    as small as a grain of mustard seed,
    nothing shall be impossible unto you

    ~ Matthew 17:20
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
    Ike Willis likes this.
  14. Tom Locke

    Tom Locke Veteran Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    The general theme developing here seems to be that atheists are somehow rather slow, dull-witted and stupid people that are incapable of seeing the blindingly obvious. Now I'm an atheist and I have been for a long time. I also think I have a moderate degree of intelligence. I find it rather bizarre that centuries of scientific discovery by some of the finest minds is dismissed with an airy wave of the hand. Quite how intellectual analysis somehow comes behind some wildly fanciful notion of a creator who spent a few minutes putting together millions of different species of life on Earth is, quite frankly, an utter mystery to me.
    Terry Page and Sheldon Scott like this.
  15. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    My deepest apology Tom. I never meant to imply, nor did I say, that atheists are "stupid". I only meant, and said, that they do not "see". Those are two different things. And I'm hearing you say believers do not "see" your scientific theories and explanations. I trust that doesn't mean you are calling me "stupid" either :). It's just a difference in where we place our faith. Scientific theory of our origin (our creation), requires faith. It's a choice, not a lack of intelligence.

    I also believe/have faith that God created science ;). Science is a means to knowledge using our God given abilities and elements created by God. Theories are not knowledge though, which some place their faith in….there's that "faith" word again….it takes a lot of faith to believe in theories. I'd rather place my faith in God who has all the truthful answers.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016

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