May 28, 2017 - World Hunger Day

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Maryt Hope, May 28, 2017.

  1. Maryt Hope

    Maryt Hope Veteran Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    May 28, 2017

    World Hunger Day is an initiative by The Hunger Project. Started in 2011, it aims to celebrate sustainable solutions to hunger and poverty.

    More than 795 million people in the world do not have enough food.
    Chrissy Cross and Patsy Faye like this.
  2. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    And the sad part about that @Maryt Hope is that America and probably many other Countries waste enough food to probably feed all of those 795 million peope that do not have enough. :(

    We contribute both food and money to our local Food Bank here in Louisiana. And the small country store where my husband works part time was contributing alot of their excess and getting ready to expire food to a Soup Kitchen here until they got a new manager who informed them that they would no longer come pick up the free food stuff. That would make sense if the store was far away...but it isn't and gas is not that expensive either, so this new manager's decision only hurts the Soup Kitchen in the end and the people that are eating there.

    It doesn't make sense to me that anyone has to go hungry in this world and I don't believe there is a valid reason why anyone should have to.
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
    Patsy Faye and Maryt Hope like this.
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I agree that people should not have to go hungry. However, that is a problem that is not easy to solve due to population growth in some countries.
    If you own an acre of land, you can grow a good garden and feed your family with that acre. However, if you (over time) have 10 kids, and they have 2 kids, then you have 32 people trying to live on that little one acre of land, and it just can't be done.
    Let's suppose next that your neighbor (who also has an acre of land) feels sorry and he shares part of his garden crops with you and your 30 offspring.
    Now you aren't hungry, and also your 10 kids each have another baby, so now there are 42 people trying to live on that one acre.
    The neighbor on the other side also donates food the next year, so with their help, you are able to feed your growing family.
    Obviously, this situation will just keep on getting worse, and each year more food will need to be donated for your family to live on your acre of land. Plus, now it is overcrowded with houses, so you can't even grow the large garden you once had room for.

    This is an analogy of what is happening in many countries of the world today. The countries with enough food send supplies to the over-populated countries, and they continue to become even more over populated, and require more and more food each year.
    If we stop sending food, then they all die.
    What is the solution ?
  4. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    There is also the problem that many times food that is sent to feed people is stolen by the very Officials who are supposed to be receiving and giving it to those who need it. Instead they keep it for themselves or sell it.

    For the most part I think it better to teach someone how to grow their own food instead of always just giving it to them. I love when I read about community gardens started in empty lots, etc. And while I do believe that there is enough food in this world so that no one should go hungry...I also do realize that there are many reasons why that food does not or can not get to the hungry people. I also believe that if people spent more time figuring out how to solve these problems instead of spending time on things that really aren't important...that they could find solutions.
  5. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Retail food shops like eateries, grocery stores also contribute to food waste. You would be sick if you could see how much is thrown away daily. Instead of donating leftover foods or almost out of date items the food is dumped or in some cases sent back to vendor.
    Chrissy Cross and Patsy Faye like this.
  6. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Part of the reason for this is due to food spoiling. We want to feed people good food, not old "outdated/expired" food that could harm or even kill them. Always have to remember the health reasons for tossing cooked or almost outdated food.

    We have people here in the U.S. that don't have enough food to eat, BUT why? Since there are Food Banks and churches to get food, why should people here be starving? I think there are some "inside the family" reasons that some folks don't want to discuss and think about.
  7. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I agree @Cody Fousnaugh ...however, in my case, I found it irritating to pull items a month in advance and dump, when these items could of have been donated while still rather fresh. At best, to be marked down (rarely done there) and sold. Anyways, it has always been an on going issue, like very thing else. I do know one thing, my great grand parents, and even grand parents, never wasted the food we do now days. My grand ma, had 10 siblings, nothing was wasted. Even pinto beans were made into pies, and cantaloupes became pies.I think I still throw away to much myself, however, I:) do freeze things and turn into soups later on.
    Yvonne Smith and Patsy Faye like this.
  8. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Of course back then, people's salaries were a who lot less than today. The only time my step-parents and I went out to eat was a rare occasion to breakfast in town. Today, it appears there are more people eating at restaurants than buying food at grocery stores. At least here it is. The salaries here are awful good and the number of people going to restaurants shows it.

    Yes, again.........those "good old days"!
  9. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    My husband will bring home fruits and veggies that have a few bruises on them and dairy products, etc. that are a few days away from their expiration dates and this is all free food for us....all I have to do is cook it. I am very thankful for all the things he brings home and share some things we can't use with other family members. The small Country store my husband works part time at shares these things with all the employees and gave many things to a Soup Kitchen too until the new manager decided they weren't going to come pick things up anymore...but wanted someone from the store to go bring it to them. It doesn't take much time to cut off a few bruised areas on veggies and fruits, etc or to plan a few menus around things that are close to the expiration date. We save a lot of money on our grocery bill each month because of this and with everything being so high prices these days I am very thankful for this.
  10. Kitty Carmel

    Kitty Carmel Veteran Member

    May 9, 2016
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    We do waste a lot of food in the U.S. And I too believe foods to other countries may not get to the people needing the food as it is intercepted by criminals.

    I also agree with what people say about overpopulation. This is true even in the united states. People are simply having too man kids and this planet isn't going to be able to take it. Forget about food. Think water!

    I've never known hunger but my mother had and she could be unsympathetic in some ways. She would say if someone didn't eat a full coarse meal loaded with meat, they feel poor and deprived. I've never known hunger and I've been pretty broke. But I've also eaten toast and some creamed corn for dinner and was full and didn't feel deprived, poor or hungry. Feeling deprived can also be your own mindset.

    WINCO Foods in the Western U.S., you can't even go there the first week of the month, especially in the evening. They are so packed because people have their money and are out shopping. I wonder how well some make it last.

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