What Could It Be?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Rachel Rodarte, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Good afternoon everyone, every since we moved into this apartment I have seen things, take for example the first week we were here, I was standing by the door, and I was about to turn when I saw this person, it was a male, it happen so fast, I know what I saw, it's like when someone is so close to you that when you turn you can bump into them. I see shadows from the corner of my eye, or something crawling on the wall. I've asked my daughter if this has happen to her and she also this happen to her, where she sees things crawling on the walls, and we she looks nothing is there. Last night some weird happen, I was asleep and I felt someone squeeze my arm very softly, I felt it twice, to where I woke up. I thought it was the kitten we have, but he was fast asleep. This happen around 2:30 am, I couldn't go back to sleep after that, I was not scared, but still wonder what could it have been. I had my arm inside the blanket, and the kitten is too small to squeeze me even bit. Before I went to sleep, I also heard the slam of the cabinet door in the kitchen, I asked my daughter if you was in the kitchen around 11:30, and she said no. The cabinet door if you let them go, they slam. Anyway, this was my exciting night. I finally fell asleep 1/2 hour later.
    Krissttina Isobe likes this.
  2. Dave Sun

    Dave Sun Veteran Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    You might want to talk to the people that had the apartment before you and see if has happened to them. Who knows what strange things happen. I had a similar experience happen to me as a child in the old homestead.
    Rachel Rodarte likes this.
  3. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Hi Dave, and thank you for you response, not only is it happening here, our neighbors were telling us the same thing, where their dish washer turn off, I've asked them maybe it's a short on the plugs-ins, he say no, they've also notice different things. Maybe it's the ground where this complex was built on. I try to search to see if they have some type of history on the internet, but I can't seem to find anything. My best bet would be going the the library. I don't know if the manager would tell me anything, if she does know something she may not want to say anything to me, just so that I don't get scared.
  4. Pat Baker

    Pat Baker Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Getting some history on the property maybe a first start to find out of your place has a history. I think the next question is do you believe in ghost? Keep us posted!
  5. Sheldon Scott

    Sheldon Scott Supreme Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    I'm sorry Rachel. I couldn't sleep last night and started roaming around looking for something to eat. :oops:
  6. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Sheldon, next time don't let the door slam, you scared me half to death:eek:

    I will, I think I will go to the library tomorrow and find out what was here before. and I will keep you posted.

    I like to hear your story, if you don't mine sharing it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2015
  7. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    I don't know what to say although I believe everything you said. There are things that happen but which we have no explanation how it happened. Maybe that's why we call ghosts or something simply because we couldn't explain.

    What happened to us in the apartment we rented in 1994 was the opposite. We moved in April and on New Year's eve, some neighbors gatecrashed our unit with some drinks. They said that the previous occupant of our apartment left because of the ghosts. And they wonder why they see my husband working on his computer up to midnight. My husband said he does that all the time and he hasn't felt anything unusual. Our neighbors couldn't believe the bravery of my husband. But really, we didn't hear or see or feel anything in that apartment contrary to the claims not only of the neighbors but also of the landlord.
    Rachel Rodarte likes this.
  8. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Hi Corie,
    The thing about it, is that it doesn't scare me, just like when I almost bumped into the guy, I saw him, it was a quick glance, I know he was young, but it happen so fast, that I was shocked, not in a bad way. And they always say that cats have that sense if something is there, which I have caught my cat staring at the wall, and next to the TV. Sometimes I wonder if this is why he doesn't sleep with me anymore. Both me and my daughter have felt like a cat is walking on the bed, and once I did feel a cat while sitting outside on the patio, but that was only once.

    Do you think that the people who lived there before took it with them? and this is why you don't hear or see anything?

    Like the house we moved from, I've heard footsteps in the living room, I heard someone walking, the footsteps sounded like he was wearing boots, but, the living room has carpet, my back was facing the living room and it didn't dawn on me, until after a while, and my mother hear the same thing. I've never seen a ghost, at least I don't think I have. I always wonder maybe they have a message, could it be a family member? Corie, do you believe in ghost, have you seen one?
  9. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina Isobe Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    :oops:Well it seems you're being haunted. I watch Dead Files with Amy Allen on Travel Channel every week and you and people who ask Amy for help have the same problems. It's not easy when you live in an apt. that's haunted. Try watching Amy Allen's Dead Files and see if you need her help. Good luck and God protect you and yours till you get help. Amen.
    Rachel Rodarte likes this.
  10. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Good Morning Krissttina,
    I've never heard of her, do you know what time and day she comes out on. I found her on the internet and I'll be watching her videos. thank you for you blessing.
  11. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I wouldn't mind some of the things you've mentioned, but the things crawling on the walls would be enough for me to want to move. I do believe in ghosts. I agree, it would be interesting to see if you can find out about previous tenants. Perhaps there are some long term tenant neighbors you can talk to who might be able to fill you in? I think things like this should be disclosed before someone moves into a place, whether they be renting or purchasing. Moving is a costly event, and sometimes it's not possible to pick up and move when something like this arises.
    Rachel Rodarte likes this.
  12. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    There is a Biblical answer to this and there is a Secular answer to this. I won't post the Biblical one because it might upset someone reading the forum posts. It doesn't sugar-coat the issue. But for anyone who wants to know, you are welcome to go to my profile and "start a conversation" and I'll tell you. Edit: Okay, don't everybody ask at once haha

    The secular answer, that I read a while ago, is that ghosts are those who are caught between earth and "heaven" and have chosen not to step over yet. They are harmless and only mischievous and believe your place belongs to them still. I read that you should firmly and boldly yell at them to leave your place immediately. You should tell them that this is your place now and they belong on the other side and must leave now, that it's time for them to GO. This will do it.

    Some paranormal activity, such as through electronics, has a factual explanation. Receivers can pick up radio waves from nearby places. My daughter had classical music coming out of their sub-woofer speaker that was not hooked up to any appliances (but I think it was plugged in the wall). I read that someone had this and it turned out to be a station from a nearby college. When I told my daughter she reminded me that there was a college very close to her and that her landlord, an acre away, loves classical music. They can even pick up baby monitors…that's a scary thought. I remember, 30 years ago, I had a baby monitor in my hand while I was outside in my yard. I heard a baby that wasn't mine. Turned out to be my neighbors across the street.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    Rachel Rodarte likes this.
  13. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Hi Diane,
    Both me and my daughter has seen them, it's weird, and sometimes I wonder if it's just my mine playing tricks on me. Since I posted this thread, I have not notice anything, but it seem that it doesn't happen all the time. I did notice the my Jr. (cat) staring at the wall again this morning. Wait, it think it was on Friday, I was home by myself, my daughter and her boyfriend had just left, they went to their friends house who lives in the apartment across the way, anyway, we had been talking of strange things happen at both apartments, anyway they left, and about 1/2 pass and I heard a knock on the door, and I thought it was them, I didn't answer the door, but did open the patio door and asked who was there, no one answered. Again I don't know if something is going on or not. I also thought about what you said, asking a neighbor, I just met the lady next door, but have not seen her, she's been here four years, and I do wants to ask her. I thought about asking the manager, but don't know how honest she will be with me. I agree with you, they should let the new tenants know if anything has happen and this would be up the tenants if they want to rent the apartment or not.

    Hi Lara,
    My mother told me the same thing, yelling and cussing at them and they will leave alone. She had to do this many years ago, she was living by herself, and she was int he kitchen doing the dishes, she said she felt the hairs of her neck stand up and could feel a presents next to her, so what she did was to cuss and yell at it, and she saw this dark shadow leaving the kitchen, another time the same time happen, but this time it was in the living room, she had the windows open and she yell and cuss at it and the black shadow left through the window, she never again had any problems until she move the house from where we move from. One thing I don't feel scared, to where other time I have felt scared. And like you said, they are harmless, and maybe they are trying to get help crossing over.I will keep everyone updated on this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2015
    Lara Moss likes this.
  14. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    That's interesting, Rachel, I would have a handyman put a peephole in the door. Also, did you have your locks changed when you moved into your apartment? I say this, not because of your paranormal activity but because you weren't comfortable opening your door to a knock and went outside to ask who it was.
    Rachel Rodarte likes this.
  15. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Hi Lara,
    The door has a peephole, but never bother asking about the keys, which is something that I'm going to. when I heard the knock it was at the lower part of the door, so I don't know if the kids were fooling around or not. One get use to the knocks of the people you know, but this knock was very soft. Thanks for bringing this up to me. I'm going to talk to the manager.
    Lara Moss likes this.

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