Women’s Rights March

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Martin Alonzo, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    These people need an education instead of marching get educated.
    It almost reminds me of the lemming effect

  2. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I was so "not surprised" by this turning into no longer "women's" rights, but just liberal women's rights. This is all about abortion, because they know that most christian women are NOT for abortion unless extreme/emergency circumstance. They want to keep it and the biggest numbers of aborted babies are birth control only. It's their body though, but they don't want it protected until they have another life growing inside them? How about protecting their bodies before they get pregnant?

    Women's Health?? What could that be now. I've never in my life spoken to a mother that didn't say my kids are driving me crazy, but in the same breath practically, tell me they would die if anything happened to a one of their kids.
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  3. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    The phrase 'walk in my shoes' springs to mind
    I was never in a position where I needed to consider abortion, but I find it easy to put
    myself in others shoes
    Those that are not using contraception, yes, I used to come down hard on that one but
    there are reasons for that also
    Its also interesting that its always the female that gets slated in all of this :(
    Ina I. Wonder and Denise Evans like this.
  4. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    The Soros groups were funding a lot and when they interviewed some they had no idea of what they were protesting. It was the old group mentality which Hitler show it works so well. Get a large group together and make a protest once you’re in the group it is like follow the leader. The larger the group the less they really know what is going on but they are part of it.
  5. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Oh I believe that Martin - lets follow the band !
    Martin Alonzo likes this.
  6. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    There was as many different reason that people had for being there yes abortion was one but some it was to protect the honey bees, hating president Trump they don’t know why but someone told them they should. Some they just wanted to be with the group.
  7. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    There are always special circumstances, and I believe a much smaller percentage has those. I believe there has to be abortion as I mentioned, but the numbers tell me at least, this is not the case with most abortions. I'm sure this might not be accurate, but I'm betting it's very close.
    Then you have to consider "when does life start". There was a film made called The Silent Scream, 1980, of an ultra-sound that was done.

    Many poopoo this, and it's been argued rather faked or not. People decide for themselves:
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  8. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I agree @Denise Happyfeet about special circumstances
    But do you also believe that a Mother who is forced to have a baby, will be a 'good' Mother
    The child, every child deserves that
    I was an unwanted child and went through hell for over 40 years, I did not deserve that either
    Denise Evans likes this.
  9. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    The Left & Islam: Unholy Alliance

  10. This is one subject that bugs me about pro-life activists who hang around clinics, at least in some locations- while I believe it's very good to encourage girls/women to avoid abortion and give birth, why in the universe do they push the girls/women to keep the babies that they don't want? It seems to me part of the pro-life approach should be to encourage them to surrender the babies for adoption so babies could go to people who truly want them. I mentioned this to both an individual who's in charge of the local pro-life and an individual who works with youth, and they acted like I suggested something totally horrible.

    I might understand where you're coming from because I was an unwanted child also, and my mother never let me forget it. But I'm still grateful that I was born.
    Ina I. Wonder and Patsy Faye like this.
  11. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I'm sorry for your life being hell for you Patsy. At the same time, no one knows what the future holds. I think that it can only lie in the hands of women that believe a baby's life is as important as their own, first of all. Then, again, the question for some, still remains to be "when does life begin"?a

    There are atrocities in this world, child abuse like you had etc. but is putting a baby to death (if you believe life has begun in the womb) because of what might happen, or to put it another way, blame the child and get rid of it fixing, or saving it from living a horrible one. That's what all of us have to decide on before we vote on these things, if we get to vote.

    If we made the decision of aborting on the basis of someone "maybe" being a bad mother, why not instead allow someone to adopt the baby. I don't expect anyone to believe the same as I do, or have the same ideas about "special circumstances".
  12. I believe it's a good idea to keep an eye on the opposition, that way we're less likely to get blindsided, so I receive all kinds of junk in my email- newsletters, etc.
    On this topic, I received one with this subject line- only the word I deleted was spelled out, rhymes with 'wussie':
    Women's March on Washington: The p- grabs back!

    I don't know how/why women degrade themselves like that, but it certainly isn't worthy of respect.
    Ina I. Wonder and Martin Alonzo like this.
  13. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I am truly sorry @Patsy Faye and @Janice Martin that you both experienced an unloving mother who told you you weren't wanted and evidently treated you both that way too. No child should ever be told something like that or treated that way. The answer to that problem your moms had is not abortion...and I for one am very thankful your moms did not abort either one of you.
    Janice Martin likes this.
  14. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    yes this was a Soro's march to the tune of 90 million
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2017
    Denise Evans and Martin Alonzo like this.
  15. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I'll say no more on the subject as I do believe there are special circumstances
    Education via schools and the home is paramount, whether that happens ..................
    The thought of a child growing up in a childrens home fills me with dread
    The thought of a child being abused upsets me greatly
    There is no solution to the madness that exists today - sadly :(
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.

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